Rules And Regulations
NOTE: Teachers will explain these rules to their classes annually and display the rules in the Classroom. Pupils enter the school on the understanding that they know and will obey these rules. Parents are expected to give their co-operation and support in the enforcement of the rules and of discipline in general.
1. Pupils are expected to keep the school buildings and grounds free of litter.
2. The chewing of gum is forbidden in school.
3. To assist the cleaners, chairs must be turned upside down and put on tables at the end of the day.
4. Damage to school property should be reported to the class teacher. Repair of damage and removal of graffiti must be paid for by the perpetrator.
5. Pupils are expected to take good care of their textbooks and to return them to their teachers at the end of the year. Pupils who fail to do so will be required to compensate the school.
1. Pupils must observe high standards of courtesy, consideration and good manners in public places and in school.
2. All pupils must show respect to peers, teachers, and other adults and make visitors to the school welcome at all times.
3. Please and Thank you are simple courtesies, which should be used in and out of school.
4. Pupils should open doors for adults and allow adults to go through a doorway first.
5. Pupils must maintain quiet and orderly behaviour in school corridors.
6. Pupils must be punctual for each class and Assembly and other school events. Those who are late must volunteer an apology and an explanation.
7. Pupils who wish to be absent for any foreseeable reason must bring, well in advance, a written request from their parents giving the specific reason for the anticipated absence.
8. Pupils who have been absent must immediately on their return bring a letter to their teacher from their parents giving a clear explanation.
9. Fighting and any form of bullying are forbidden at all times.
10. Pupils must not use offensive language.
11. Pupils must behave properly when in school uniform.
12. Teachers have the right, given adequate reasons, to refuse permission to a pupil to take part in a school trip and/or to send a pupil home from a school trip.
13. Pupils must not use the front door of the school.
14. Acceptable eating habits are required in the canteen and pupils must clear up properly after their meal.
1. Pupils must obey all rules on safety.
2. Pupils must not interfere with fire extinguishers.
3. Pupils must follow strictly and promptly the instructions for emergency evacuation.
4. Pupils must obey to the letter the instructions of their teachers in practical subjects, P.E and games.
5. Pupils must summon a teacher immediately when another pupil is injured.
6. Pupils must report any safety hazard to their teacher during school hours.
7. Pupils must not leave the school premises except with the permission of their teacher, or senior member of staff. Pupils who are ill must report to their class teacher.
8. Pupils are not allowed into classrooms except with the permission of a teacher and must wait in single file outside the classroom.
9. The Assembly Hall is to be used only under the supervision of a teacher.
10. Pupils are not allowed to be on the school premises before 8.45 am or after 3.00 pm each day except when supervised by a member of staff.
11. Pupils are not allowed to bring to school dangerous items, such as knives or laser pens, or items of value, such as personal stereos, computer games or mobile phones, that are not required for school work or activities.
12. The owner’s name should be marked clearly on books, bags, all articles of clothing, footwear and sports equipment.
13. Money and articles of value should be kept personally or placed in the care of a teacher; such items should not be left in cloakrooms or school bags.
14. For the safety of all pupils, parents bringing children to school by car are requested to drop off children outside the school gates.
15. Pupils must not run or slide in the corridors.
16. In corridors, pupils must walk on the left, carry their school bags on the right and keep their hands off the walls.
17. Pupils must not loiter in the corridors.
18. Fire doors and outer doors must be kept shut.
19. Pupils must not interfere with heaters or electrical appliances.
20. Pupils must not play around in classrooms (during break, lunchtime) in such a way as to cause damage to furniture, windows or equipment or to cause injury to themselves or other pupils.
21. Pupils must not push or shove in the dining hall.
22. Pupils must not climb fences to retrieve footballs or any other object.
23. Pupils must not climb trees or swing out of their branches.
1. Pupils are asked to observe the school regulations with regard to school uniform and personal appearance.
2. Pupils are expected to take pride in their uniform and personal appearance.
3. School uniform should be worn correctly and tidily (e.g shirts and blouses tucked in; top button on shirt or blouse fastened; ties properly tied).
4. Shoes not boots must be worn. Shoes that mark school floors are not permitted.
5. All hairstyles should be tidy and unobtrusive. Coloured highlights are not permitted.
6. No jewellery may be worn. Pupils are discouraged from having their ears pierced during the school year. If earrings etc are worn the child will be required NOT to go into the play areas nor participate in P.E lessons.
7. Only school badges may be worn.
8. The full and proper kit is required for PE and Games.
9. Nail varnish is not permitted.